Focus on productivity ++

Made for Humans

One of our main goals is to provide the best possible developer experience. We provides a fully-typed API. All plugins share a similar API, creating a consistent and predictable experience.

// Whether it's a regular string, or complex JSON, just return the value
import { Application } from "@teakit/core";
const app = new Application()
.get("/", () => "Hello World")
.get("/json", () => ({
hello: "world",

Just Function

No need for an additional method, just return the value to send data back to the client.

// Infers types to TypeScript automatically
import { Application, t } from "@teakit/core";
const app = new Application()
.post("/profile", ({ body }) => body, {
body: t.Object({
username: t.String(),

Type Safety

Infers types to TypeScript automatically to create unified type system like statically typed language.

// Can generate Swagger in one line with the docs plugin.
import { Application } from "@teakit/core";
import { pluginDocs } from "@teakit/plugin-docs";
import { feed, users } from "./controllers";
const app = new Application()
.get("/", () => "hi")


Generates OpenAPI 3.0 specs automatically to integrate with various tools across multiple languages.

// Synchronize types across all applications.
import { Application, t } from "@teakit/core";
// server.ts
const app = new Application()
.patch("/user/age", ({ body }) => signIn(body), {
body: t.Object({
name: t.String(),
age: t.Number(),
export type App = typeof app;
// client.ts
import { edenTreaty } from "@teakit/eden";
import type { App } from "server";
const eden = edenTreaty<App>("http://localhost");
await eden.user.age.patch({
name: "saltyaom",
age: "21",

End–to-End Type Safety

Unified type system and outstanding developer experience.

// Whether it's a regular string, or complex JSON, just return the value
import { Application } from "@teakit/core";
const app = new Application()
.get("/", () => "Hello World")
.get("/json", () => ({
hello: "world",
// Infers types to TypeScript automatically
import { Application, t } from "@teakit/core";
const app = new Application()
.post("/profile", ({ body }) => body, {
body: t.Object({
username: t.String(),
// Can generate Swagger in one line with the docs plugin.
import { Application } from "@teakit/core";
import { pluginDocs } from "@teakit/plugin-docs";
import { feed, users } from "./controllers";
const app = new Application()
.get("/", () => "hi")
// Synchronize types across all applications.
import { Application, t } from "@teakit/core";
// server.ts
const app = new Application()
.patch("/user/age", ({ body }) => signIn(body), {
body: t.Object({
name: t.String(),
age: t.Number(),
export type App = typeof app;
// client.ts
import { edenTreaty } from "@teakit/eden";
import type { App } from "server";
const eden = edenTreaty<App>("http://localhost");
await eden.user.age.patch({
name: "saltyaom",
age: "21",
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